
Site name Site ID Site type Installed on Number of cards issued Number of permanent users Number of monthly users Number of Pin licenses Your profits

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Your price will automatically be set up to all sites on which you are indicated as an installer. Any purchase made by the customer will guarantee you your margin that will be reflected in your Kindoo credits.

Monthly users price

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

Permanent users price

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

PIN permanent license

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

Controller monthly license

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

You can choose to define special pricing for specific sites of your choice.

ID Name

Monthly users price

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

Permanent users price

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

PIN permanent license

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin

Controller monthly license

Your cost

Your selling price

Kindoo MSRP

Your margin



Name Type Online Enabled

Name Enabled

Name Type Online Enabled

Email configuration

No email configuarion has been added yet.

Email templates
Action Subject Reply To Bcc

No email template has been added yet.

This package includes
Unauthenticated pricing

Pricing description

Installer pricing

Pricing description

Distributor pricing

Pricing description


Description Quantity Created on Created by

Email configuration

Email Template

Order summary

Shipping TBD
Subtotal TBD

Order history

Order invoice

Order receipt